
Dan Erickson

Software Engineer

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About Me

Heyo 👋 I'm Dan! I am a computer science student at the University of Michigan (Go Blue!!) and I love working on embedded systems, cloud and networking infrastructure, and backend systems.

Right now I'm working on a project to make my doorbell a little smarter. My goal is to connect it to a speaker so I can change the sound via a website! Check it out on GitHub (derickson2402/DingDong) :))



I helped create a 2D puzzle platformer game in Unity. This was our final project for EECS 494 Game Development. I worked primarily on level design, a power system to connect buttons and switches to doors, connecting animations to gameplay, and helped build the laser and insulator game mechanics. Click the link and give it a play!

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Roy G Biv

I created my own game within 2 weeks! It isn't much to look at, but it taught me to iterate quickly and experiment. I built out the core color changing part of the game early on so that I could playtest and see if the mechanic would be fun or not. Then I was able to make changes early and avoid wasting development time. Click the link and give it a play!

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Legend of Zelda

I was part of a 3 person team that recreated the first dungeon in the original Legend of Zelda game for the NES. We used Unity game engine with C# scripting. I created the weapons system, enemies, and the custom level. Click the link and give it a play!

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DingDong Smart Doorbell

Building a smart doorbell with Python, Flask, Kubernetes, and a Raspberry Pi. Connects to speaker to play different sounds, which are uploaded to API running in Kubernetes and downloaded by the doorbell.

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Dockerized CAEN

Maintain and distribute fast, extensible, containerized version of University CAEN servers. Plugs into VSCode and contains tools for creating C++, Go, and Python without needing to log into remote servers.

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Consumers Energy

Security Engineering Intern

Securing cyber assets by creating a unified data lake in Azure for analysis of security data. Architected development environment in Azure, designed and built automation for deployment in ADO, connected several platforms into the lake in Synapse, and created a documentation generator in Python. In 2022, developed cloud automation and resource clean-up scripts, strategized the migration of IT resources to Azure Cloud, and drafted deployment plan for Boston Dynamics Spot robot dogs at electric substations.

Michigan Hackers

Embedded Team Co-Lead

Facilitate weekly team meetings, lead team project to build an autonomous quadcopter drone, and foster collaborative learning environment for the Michigan Hackers Embedded team.

University of Michigan

Physics Tutor

Organized exam review sessions, hosted weekly office hours, and assisted with grading assignments and providing helpful feedback for 200 intro physics students to ensure their success.


University of Michigan

Sept 2020 - May 2025

BSE Computer Science

Majoring in computer science with a minor in mathematics


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